A life story told through art

Babylonian Voices: Complex geometric shapes tell the story of humanity coming together to create something magnificent and then being split apart. Are we are on a linear, circular or spiraling path? Can we influence what happens next?

Babylonian Voices #2

The extended world family that had gathered shared one voice and built a great tower together. That unity of voice is now changing in Babylonian Voices #2.

The tower has tipped. The squares that previously lived together harmoniously are falling and changing. The circles that represent the individual voices get bigger, louder and further apart; they morph, twirl and spread out until they cover the four corners of the earth.

The world is no longer the same. Connections are broken.

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Other paintings in the Babylonian Voices series

Babylonian Voices #1

Babylonian Voices #2

Babylonian Voices #3

Babylonian Voices #4

Babylonian Voices #5